Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted on The Broke and the Bookish
Sadly, I can only think of four. But I will try to explain those four as best I can
- Goodreads. Before I discovered Goodreads I couldn't remember what I had read, when I read it, etc, etc. But after Goodreads I can keep track of what I've read but also keep track of when books I want come out. Goodness I sound like a commercial..
- Ebooks. Now I don't have to wait for my books! There all there in "1 click" as Amazon says
- The Library. Books can be expensive and the library usually has what I want to read. And if it's not there you can just get anything through interlibrary loan, and here that only cost three books
- Blog post Scheduling. When I know I won't have time to post on a certain day scheduling saves my life. I'm actually scheduling this right now..It's only monday but still
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